HomeTravel TipsWhat Causes Headache After Travelling

What Causes Headache After Travelling

"Discover why you get headaches after traveling and learn how to prevent them. Tips and remedies for headache relief post-travel.

What Causes Headache After Travelling

Traveling can be an exciting adventure, but for some, it comes with a not-so-pleasant side effect: headaches. Whether you’re flying across time zones, cruising on the open seas, or simply taking a road trip, headaches can sometimes accompany your journey. Let’s explore the various reasons why you might experience a headache after traveling and what you can do to prevent or alleviate it.

Also Read: 5 Common Illnesses While Traveling

1. Dehydration


  • Inadequate fluid intake during travel
  • Consumption of diuretics like alcohol and caffeine
  • Dry air in airplanes and other modes of transport

Prevention and Relief:

  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after travel
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine intake
  • Use a humidifier or saline nasal spray to moisten the air

2. Jet Lag


  • Disruption of the body’s internal clock due to crossing time zones
  • Irregular sleep patterns during travel

Prevention and Relief:

  • Gradually adjust your sleep schedule before traveling
  • Stay hydrated and avoid heavy meals close to bedtime
  • Spend time in natural light to help regulate your body clock

3. Stress and Fatigue


  • Anxiety or excitement associated with travel
  • Discomfort from prolonged sitting or standing during travel

Prevention and Relief:

  • Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation
  • Take short breaks to stretch and move around during travel
  • Ensure comfortable seating and proper support for your neck and back

4. Sinus Pressure


  • Changes in air pressure during flights or driving through high altitudes
  • Irritants in the air triggering sinus congestion

Prevention and Relief:

  • Use a nasal decongestant or saline spray before and during travel
  • Chew gum or swallow frequently to equalize ear pressure during flights
  • Stay hydrated to keep nasal passages moist

5. Motion Sickness


  • Sensory conflict between visual cues and inner ear balance mechanisms
  • Disruption of normal body movements during travel

Prevention and Relief:

  • Sit in a forward-facing seat or near the front of the vehicle
  • Avoid reading or using electronic devices that can exacerbate motion sickness
  • Use over-the-counter medications or natural remedies like ginger to alleviate symptoms

6. Poor Posture and Ergonomics


  • Incorrect sitting or sleeping positions during travel
  • Improperly adjusted seats or lack of lumbar support

Prevention and Relief:

  • Maintain good posture while sitting or standing
  • Use pillows or cushions for support, especially for the lower back and neck
  • Take breaks to stretch and change positions regularly

7. Environmental Triggers


  • Exposure to strong odors or allergens during travel
  • Bright lights or loud noises in the travel environment

Prevention and Relief:

  • Avoid exposure to known triggers as much as possible
  • Use sunglasses or earplugs to reduce sensitivity to light and noise
  • Carry necessary medications or allergy remedies with you

In conclusion, headaches after traveling can be caused by a variety of factors, including dehydration, jet lag, stress, sinus pressure, motion sickness, poor posture, and environmental triggers. By understanding these causes and taking preventive measures, you can minimize the likelihood of experiencing headaches during and after your travels. If headaches persist or are severe, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying health issues.

How to Avoid Headache While Traveling

Traveling can be an exciting experience, but headaches can sometimes dampen the joy of exploration. Here are some tips to help you avoid headaches while traveling:

1. Stay Hydrated:

  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your journey.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine, as they can lead to dehydration.

2. Maintain Proper Posture:

  • Sit in a comfortable position with adequate back support.
  • Avoid slouching or sitting in awkward positions for long periods.

3. Take Breaks:

  • If you’re traveling by car, stop frequently to stretch and move around.
  • On long flights, get up and walk around the cabin periodically to improve circulation.

4. Manage Stress:

  • Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation.
  • Listen to calming music or podcasts to help you relax during your journey.

5. Avoid Strong Odors:

  • If possible, steer clear of strong smells that may trigger headaches.
  • Carry a small bottle of peppermint or lavender oil to sniff if you encounter unpleasant odors.

6. Wear Comfortable Clothing:

  • Choose loose-fitting, comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict your movement or circulation.
  • Avoid tight hats or headbands that can put pressure on your head.

7. Limit Screen Time:

  • Reduce the time you spend staring at screens, such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops.
  • Take regular breaks from screens to rest your eyes and prevent eye strain.

8. Use a Travel Pillow:

  • Invest in a travel pillow that supports your neck and helps you maintain a comfortable sleeping position.
  • This can prevent neck strain and headaches caused by poor sleep posture.

9. Stay Cool and Well-Ventilated:

  • Ensure that your travel environment is well-ventilated and not too hot.
  • Use a travel fan or adjust air vents to maintain a comfortable temperature.

10. Pack Medications:

  • If you’re prone to headaches, pack pain relief medication in your travel kit.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before traveling to ensure you have the appropriate medication.

By following these tips, you can reduce the likelihood of experiencing headaches while traveling and make your journey more enjoyable. If headaches persist or become severe, seek medical attention to rule out any underlying health issues.

How do you get rid of a headache after traveling?

To get rid of a headache after traveling, you can try the following methods:

  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to replenish lost fluids and reduce dehydration, a common cause of headaches.
  • Rest: Get enough rest to help your body recover from travel fatigue and stress, which can contribute to headaches.
  • Pain relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate headache symptoms.
  • Relaxation techniques: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to reduce stress and tension.
  • Healthy habits: Maintain a balanced diet, regular sleep schedule, and exercise routine to prevent headaches.

How do you prevent travel migraines?

To prevent travel migraines, consider the following tips:

  • Plan ahead: Avoid travel during peak migraine times if possible, and plan for breaks during long journeys.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after travel to prevent dehydration, a common trigger for migraines.
  • Manage stress: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to minimize migraine triggers.
  • Avoid triggers: Identify and avoid your migraine triggers, such as certain foods, bright lights, or strong smells, during travel.
  • Medication: If you’re prone to migraines, talk to your healthcare provider about preventive medication or treatments before traveling.

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Manisha Sai Tulabandula
Manisha Sai Tulabandula
Hi there, I'm Manisha content writer at AbhiBus and a passionate traveller by heart. I'm thrilled to create content that inspires travellers around the world. Whether it's crafting a detailed guide to suggesting the best local food spots or sharing insider tips on how to make the most of a weekend getaway, I'm dedicated to helping travellers create unforgettable experiences.

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